Field Notes

As Father’s Day approaches, we take a moment to appreciate the incredible dads who share their love for the great outdoors with their children. These fathers are not just teaching their kids the art of hunting; they are instilling a...
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Deer health and nutrition, at least in free ranging herds, is commonly misunderstood. Hunters and land managers around the country can be found on all ends of the spectrum with regards to the importance of deer nutrition. Among those that...
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Some of you may be wondering why a treestand company that chases whitetails is making such a big deal about turkeys, but for Elevate Stand Co. to even exist we have to go back to where it all started. We...
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The holidays are here, and we’ve made shopping easy for the hunter in your life. Gifts That Wow Treestand Shoulder Straps $49.99 Trust us, if they hunt several different locations —or if they hunt public land — they’ll love these. Ascend...
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The term “Hang and Hunt” has become a mainstay in the whitetail hunting community over the past 15-20 years. The number of hunters that have the knowledge, determination and proper gear for this concept have greatly increased to the point...
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